The First Time...

Hoje fui ao Mar. Trânsito desesperante de Domingueiro no primeiro dia de sol já de há muito aguardado...
Muito tempo depois, já finalmente com os pés na areia, mãos tipicamente nos bolsos do desbotado casacão com gorro, o ínicio da "where the streets have no name" dos U2 como banda sonora na cabeça... e....

Não havia uma única onda no mar...
Só que depois fui na mesma, e corri das maiores ondas da vida.

I have a lover
A lover like no other
She got soul, soul, soul, sweet soul
And she teach me how to sing... (and dance)

Shows me colours when there's none to see
Gives me hope when I can't believe
That for the first time
I feel love

I have a brother
When I'm a brother in need
I spend my whole time running
He spends his running after me

When I feel myself going down
I just call and he comes around
But for the first time
I feel love

My Father is a rich man
He wears a rich man's cloak
Gave me the keys to his kingdom coming
Gave me a cup of gold

He said I have many mansions
And there are many rooms to see
But I left by the back door
And I threw away the key
And I threw away the key
Yeah, I threw away the key
Yeah, I threw away the key

For the first time
For the first time
For the first time
I feel love


Mensagens populares deste blogue

Conheço Barcos...

Senta-te e Espera, respira fundo...

O sapo sábio e a tartaruga jovem